
US Oil and Gas Drilling Data

Monday, May 23, 2005 - Biodiesel 101

This is a great site to get an understanding of biodiesel.

For those of you who don't know about biodiesel, it's an environmental friendly and renewable resource made from vegetable oil that puts American farmers in better business and offers an alternative to oil based diesel. This allows us to make our own fuel at home and not be so dependent on other countries for our energy (oil). It can be put into most current diesel engines (1991 and later) without any modification and is most commonly referred to by it's blend with petroleum. For example B100 is 100% pure biodiesel with no petroleum, B20 is 20% biodiesel and 80% petroleum.

A few quick points:

  • Diesel engines are up to 30% more efficient than gas
  • Diesel engines last longer than gas
  • Diesel engines are built with more robust components (Thicker block, cylinder heads, valves, connecting rods and pistons)
  • Diesel fuel can be made here in the US creating more jobs for Americans and American farmers.

People have been talking about biodiesel for a while and some small plants are cropping up, and who knows, I may soon be in the biodiesel business!

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